Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System,Components Used, Specifications,Block Diagram

Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

Hello all I am Kritesh and in this blog we will learn about Smart Hydroponic Monitoring & Controlling System,Components Used, Specifications,Block Diagram.The term ‘hydroponics’ is derived from two Greek words ponos (Working) and hydro (water) that started to be used since 1950. Hydroponics is another way of growing plants that do not require soil and this hydroponic gardening is being used by countries like Australia. Being 30-50% faster in growth than the soil planting; these hydroponic growing systems actually uses water to mix the nutrients to get their way to the root system enabling the plant to utilize much energy for fruit making besides the search process (that plants do to search nutrients in the soil in Non-hydroponics systems). Testing pH in these homemade hydroponic growing systems is also important however mostly plants grow within the 5.8-6.8 pH range. Moreover to direct the nutrients to the plant various mediums are used like Rockwool and perlite.
This project encompasses the design, construction, and evaluation of a vertical hydroponic tower. The tower was designed to cycle nutrient rich water through two hydroponic system, drip and nutrient film technique then return the water back to the reservoir. The tower will grow 2-3 different plant varieties. Evaluations have been done on the elevation, system type, and crop type to determine the most productive.
The tower contained four troughs where plants were grown. Due to the structure of the tower two of the troughs were elevated 20” higher than the other two troughs. The elevation of the plants did not cause a noticeable difference in growth. The two systems used were Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) and Drip. The NFT system contained a set water level in the troughs to allow the plants to receive water through the roots. The Drip system ran a hose to each of the plants allowing the plants to receive water as it passes by their roots. The two systems grew plants at the same rate and growth was not noticeably different between the two systems. The leafy plants used were romaine lettuce, head lettuce, winterbor kale, swiss chard, and bonnie spinach. The crops that exhibited the largest growth in the 18 days were the romaine lettuce, head lettuce, and winterbor kale. The idea of growing with a vertical hydroponic tower is to increase the productivity per acre of land. Keeping this in mind a recommendation for future growing cycles is to use the same wood frame but to modify the troughs by adding an additional hole between the existing holes to increase the amount of plants grown. Another recommendation is to only use the NFT irrigation system because you will not need to purchase emitters and additional hose to run to each plant. Lastly growing a variety of romaine lettuce, head lettuce, and winterbor kale together in the system is recommended because they displayed the largest and quickest growth in the 18 days. Hydroponics is one of the best alternatives of conventional cultivation .Hydroponics is a method of growing crops and vegetables without soil with the help of nutrient solution. It is the way to grow the fruits and vegetables for the year around in such places where the soil is not present or it is contaminated.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

Problem Statement:-
In this Project a two electrode sensor for measuring water conductivity for the hydroponics system is presented. The sensor is designed to measure the conductivity of nutrient solution which is in the range of mille Siemens (mS). These electrodes are used to regulate the nutrient in hydroponics solution according to the plant’s requirement. The automatic hydroponic system is based on Raspberry pi and SIM 800 GSM module that monitor sand control the need of hydroponics plants. Automatic hydroponics system will boost the production by controlling the different parameters.

Block Diagram
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Block diagram


In this work, some of the primary objectives are to regulate the nutrient solution according to plant need which enable to reduce a unnecessary use of fertilizer and make the system affordable because as mentioned above high cost of a system is one of the big problem in hydroponics so there is need such kind of system which can control the operation, improve performance and give the desire output at lower cost.

Temperature sensor (LM- 35):-
A temperature sensor is a device, typically, a thermocouple or RTD that provides for temperature measurement through an electrical signal. The controller must be able to measure the air temperature. Temperature range falls well into the range required for growing food, which is 0-50°C It also has a temperature accuracy of ±2°C. However, this can be improved by using an offset in the SW to configure it to the actual temperature using a mercury based thermometer. The sensor can only get new data once every 2 seconds. This should not be a problem though for hydroponics. The chance of a big fluctuation in air temperature within two seconds is not very likely.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Temperature sensor (LM- 35)

Humidity Sensor(SY-HS-220):-

A humidity sensor (or hygrometer) senses, measures and reports the relative humidity in the air. It therefore measures both moisture and air temperature. Relative humidity is the ratio of actual moisture in the air to the highest amount of moisture that can be held at that air temperature. The warmer the air temperature is, the more moisture it can hold. Humidity / dew sensors use capacitive measurement, which relies on electrical capacitance. Electrical capacity is the ability of two nearby electrical conductors to create an electrical field between them. The sensor is composed of two metal plates and contains a non-conductive polymer film between them. This film collects moisture from the air, which causes the voltage between the two plates to change. These voltage changes are converted into digital readings showing the level of moisture in the air.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

Humidity Sensor(SY-HS-220)

A photo resistor (or light-dependent resistor, LDR, or photocell) is a light-controlled variable resistor. The resistance of a photo resistor decreases with increasing incident light intensity; in other words, it exhibits photo conductivity.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

RTC (DS-1307):-

A real-time clock (RTC) is a computer clock (most often in the form of an integrated circuit) that keeps track of the current time. Although the term often refers to the devices in personal computers, servers and embedded systems, RTCs are present in almost any electronic device which needs to keep accurate time. The DS1307 Serial Real-Time Clock is a low-power, full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock/calendar
Plus 56 bytes of NV SRAM. Address and data are transferred serially via a 2-wire, bi-directional bus.
The clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. The end of the month date is automatically adjusted for months with fewer than 31 days, including corrections for leap year. The clock operates in either the 24-hour or 12-hour format with AM/PM indicator. The
DS1307 has a built-in power sense circuit that detects power failures and automatically switches to the battery supply.
Some features of RTC are:-
 Real-time clock (RTC) counts seconds, minutes, hours, date of the month, month, day of the week, and year with leap-year compensation.
 56-byte, battery-backed, non-volatile (NV)RAM for data storage
 Two-wire serial interface
 Programmable square wave output signal.
 Consumes less than 500na in battery backup mode with oscillator running.
 Optional industrial temperature range -40°C to +85°C.
 Available in 8-pin DIP or SOIC
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

RTC (DS-1307)

Power Supply (12V):-

A power supply is an electronic device that supplies electric energy to an electrical load. The primary function of a power supply is to convert one form of electrical energy to another and, as a result, power supplies are sometimes referred to as electric power converters. Some power supplies are discrete, stand-alone devices, whereas others are built into larger devices along with their loads. Examples of the latter include power supplies found in desktop computers and consumer electronics devices.
Every power supply must obtain the energy it supplies to its load, as well as any energy it consumes while performing that task, from an energy source. Depending on its design, a power supply may obtain energy from various types of energy sources, including electrical energy transmission systems, energy storage devices such as a batteries and fuel cells, electromechanical systems such as generators and alternators, solar power converters, or another power supply.
All power supplies have a power input, which receives energy from the energy source, and a power output that delivers energy to the load. In most power supplies the power input and output consist of electrical connectors or hardwired circuit connections, though some power supplies employ wireless energy transfer in lieu of galvanic connections for the power input or output. Some power supplies have other types of inputs and outputs as well, for functions such as external monitoring and control.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

Power Supply (12V)

Room Heater:-

Room heaters are used to heat a small space and are normally portable or fitted to a wall. Most room heaters use gas or electricity. Room heaters are convenient appliances that provide focused and localized heat which is particularly suitable in a room for people that are elderly, ill or with limited mobility. But they can be expensive. They consume a lot of gas or electricity if used to heat up a space quickly, and are likely to cost a lot more than a central heating system. Ideally, room heaters should only be used as a secondary or supplementary source of heat. Even then, you should use the right heater for the space you want to heat, and carefully control the temperature and the time you have the heater on. Heaters that have these controls are often cheaper to run.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Room Heater

A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases) by mechanical action. Pumps can be classified into three major groups according to the method they use to move the fluid: direct lift, displacement, and gravity pumps. Pumps operate by some mechanism (typically reciprocating or rotary), and consume energy to perform mechanical work by moving the fluid. Pumps operate via many energy sources, including manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power, come in many sizes, from microscopic for use in medical applications to large industrial pumps. Mechanical pumps serve in a wide range of applications such as pumping water from wells, aquarium filtering, pond filtering and aeration, in the car industry for water-cooling and fuel injection, in the energy industry for pumping oil and natural gas or for operating cooling towers. In the medical industry, pumps are used for biochemical processes in developing and manufacturing medicine, and as artificial replacements for body parts, in particular the artificial heart and penile prosthesis. Single stage pump - When in a casing only one impeller is revolving then it is called single stage pump. Double/ Multi stage pump - When in a casing two or more than two impellers are revolving then it is called double/ multi stage pump. In biology, many different types of chemical and bio-mechanical pumps have evolved, and bio mimicry is sometimes used in developing new types of mechanical pumps.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

Light Source:-

The light sources are accelerators that produce exceptionally intense beams of X-rays, ultra-violet and infrared light, making possible both basic and applied research in fields ranging from physics to biology and technology, which are not possible with more conventional equipment.
‘Light’ refers to the breadth of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes visible light, yet also includes light with wavelengths that we cannot see, such as: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. These different types of light are used in everyday life, however. For example, airport scanners use X-rays to inspect the contents of your suitcase. Likewise, the right kind of light and the right equipment can help us see things in much finer detail than the human eye could possibly make out.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Light Source

An actuator is a component of a machine that is responsible for moving or controlling a mechanism or system. An actuator requires a control signal and a source of energy. The control signal is relatively low energy and may be electric voltage or current, pneumatic or hydraulic pressure, or even human power. The supplied main energy source may be electric current, hydraulic fluid pressure, or pneumatic pressure. When the control signal is received, the actuator responds by converting the energy into mechanical motion. An actuator is the mechanism by which a control system acts upon an environment. The control system can be simple (a fixed mechanical or electronic system), software-based (e.g. a printer driver, robot control system), a human, or any other input.
Some features of actuator are:-
 3.5 -12v D.C input voltage
 Power Range:-0.5 -5 watt
 Submersible pump
 Water output hole:-8mm.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

Relay driver:-

A Relay Driver is an electromagnetic switch that will be used whenever we want to use a low voltage circuit t0 switch high current on or off which should be electrically isolated from controlling circuit. Relay have been around for a long time and though often now replaced with solid state switches, they have unique properties that make them more robust than solid-state devices and are not going away. The unique properties are high current capacity, ability to withstand ESD and drive circuit isolation.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Relay driver

GSM Module:-
GSM/GPRS module is used to establish communication between a computer and a GSM-GPRS system. Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is an architecture used for mobile communication in most of the countries. Global Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is an extension of GSM that enables higher data transmission rate. A GSM/GPRS MODEM can perform the following operations:
1. Receive, send or delete SMS messages in a SIM.
2. Read, add, search phonebook entries of the SIM.
3. Make, Receive, or reject a voice call.
A GSM/GPRS module assembles a GSM/GPRS modem with standard communication interfaces like RS-232 (Serial Port), USB etc., so that it can be easily interfaced with a computer
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Add caption


Camera is used in monitoring purpose of the work which is carried out and helps in informing the actual view of the regions where it is to be placed.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System

GSM Module

Raspberry Pi:-

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It is a capable little computer which can be used in electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word processing, browsing the internet, and playing games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming. The Arduino and Raspberry Pi components allow for not only environmental monitoring (temperature, humidity, lighting) of the conditions near the growing unit, but are also used to automate watering cycles, to monitor and manage nutrients in the water, as well as monitor and correct pH in the system.

The full specs for the Raspberry Pi 3 include:
 CPU: Quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex A53 clocked at 1.2 GHz.
 GPU: 400MHz Video Core IV multimedia.
 Memory: 1GB LPDDR2-900 SDRAM (i.e. 900MHz)
 USB ports: 4.
 Video outputs: HDMI, composite video (PAL and NTSC) via 3.5 mm jack.
 Network: 10/100Mbps Ethernet and 802.11n Wireless LAN.
Smart Hydroponic(Aquaponics) Monitoring & Controlling System
Raspberry Pi

Future Scope:-
Hydroponic farming can have a great future in India if it’s value is known and understood to the people. Hydroponic is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrients solutions in water without soil.
In coming years India really needs such farming methods as
1. It produces higher yield than the traditional soil based agriculture.
2. Growing medium can be used and recycled.
3. Hydroponics plants have a higher pest resistance which eliminates the higher use of pesticides.
4. It is eco-friendly as it reduces soil erosion as well as water pollution.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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